Thursday, March 8, 2012

My plan :)

Whew, I'm just pooped...I pushed myself and did Jillians step 2 of the 30 day shred. Wasn't TO bad, but I was definitely battling my self, just wanting to relax and take a nap instead. So in punishment I stepped it up. haha! Here is some, "no duh" advice to myself, don't drink coffee at 8:30pm. I couldn't sleep last night until a little after midnight and was up at 6:40am with the kids. That could be why I am a little extra tired today. I usually get a couple more hours a night. Enough of my whining.

So my friend Bekki (Housewives of Alderaan) told me about Michael Thurmounds Body makeover. I took the online test (Blue Printing Quiz) to see what letter I am. I am a C. So THEN I went to Amazon to look for the diet plan book, because I am not made of money and can't afford to purchase the whole set that costs $120. I found this! (6 Day Body Makeover) and when you click on the photo it shows you the whole book. The WHOLE dang thing! So now I'm just browsing all the recipes, finding the ones that are compatible to my metabolism C.
I am excited about this because I needed recipes for my body type and ideas on what to eat. My diet is so crap. If you left it up to me I'd be eating pizzas, burgers and pastas ALL the time. I'd become GIGANTIC! So now I have a plan. This is what his sample plan looks like....

Sample Menu Plan for Type C

Bananas are a good source of vitamins and help give an extra energy boost, helpful first thing in the morning or before a workout.
  • Breakfast: 4 egg whites and 1/2 cup bananas.
  • Mid-morning snack: 4 ounces of chicken breast and 1/2 cup carrots.
  • Lunch: 1 cup of green beans, 4 ounces of turkey breast and 1 cup of white rice.
  • Mid-afternoon snack: 1 cup asparagus, 4 ounces of fish.
  • Dinner: 1/2 cup grapefruit, 4 ounces turkey or chicken breast.
I'm a bit more motivated now. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow, so hopefully I can get my next weeks menu together and start fresh!


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